Delegate A/S


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
pluginAssembliesBySolution solutionId
Signature: solutionId:Guid -> QueryExpression
Create a query to get plugin assemblies by solution
pluginAssemblyByName name
Signature: name:string -> QueryExpression
Create a query to get a plugin assembly by its name
pluginStepImagesBySolution solutionId
Signature: solutionId:Guid -> QueryExpression
Create a query to get plugin step images by solution
pluginStepImagesByStep stepId
Signature: stepId:Guid -> QueryExpression
Create a query to get plugin step images by step
pluginStepsBySolution solutionId
Signature: solutionId:Guid -> QueryExpression
Create a query to get plugin steps by solution
pluginStepsByType typeId
Signature: typeId:Guid -> QueryExpression
Create a query to get plugin steps by type
pluginTypesByAssembly assemblyId
Signature: assemblyId:Guid -> QueryExpression
Create a query to get plugin types by assembly
pluginTypesBySolution solutionid
Signature: solutionid:Guid -> QueryExpression
Create a query to get plugin types by solution
sdkMessage eventOperation
Signature: eventOperation:string -> QueryExpression
Create a query to get a SdkMessage from its name (event operation)
sdkMessageFilter (...)
Signature: primaryObjectType:string -> sdkMessageId:Guid -> QueryExpression
Create a query to get a SdkMessageFilter from its parent message and entity type