Delegate A/S


Nested types and modules

MapDiff<'a, 'b, 'c> Holds the result of a map diff

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
( -- ) toKeep toRemove
Signature: toKeep:Map<'?134050,'?134051> -> toRemove:Map<'?134050,'?134052> -> Map<'?134050,'?134051>
Type parameters: '?134050, '?134051, '?134052
Minus for maps (based on their keys)
( .< ) (...)
Signature: (int * int * int * int) -> (int * int * int * int) -> bool
Version less than
( .<= ) (...)
Signature: (int * int * int * int) -> (int * int * int * int) -> bool
Version less than or equal to
( .> ) (...)
Signature: (int * int * int * int) -> (int * int * int * int) -> bool
Version greater than
( .>= ) (...)
Signature: (int * int * int * int) -> (int * int * int * int) -> bool
Version greater than or equal to
( ?| )
Signature: 'a option -> 'a -> 'a
Type parameters: 'a
Option default argument
( ?|? ) m1 m2
Signature: m1:'a option -> m2:'a option -> 'a option
Type parameters: 'a
If first option is none, choose second option
( ?|> ) m f
Signature: m:'b option -> f:('b -> 'c) -> 'c option
Type parameters: 'b, 'c
Option mapper
( ?|>- ) m f
Signature: m:'?134038 option -> f:(unit -> unit) -> unit
Type parameters: '?134038
If option is none, do second argument
( ?|>+ ) m f
Signature: m:'b option -> f:('b -> unit) -> unit
Type parameters: 'b
If option is some, do second argument
( ?>> ) m f
Signature: m:'b option -> f:('b -> 'c option) -> 'c option
Type parameters: 'b, 'c
Option binder
( ?>>? ) m c
Signature: m:'?134032 option -> c:('?134032 -> bool) -> '?134032 option
Type parameters: '?134032
Option checker
( |>> ) x g
Signature: x:'d -> g:('d -> unit) -> 'd
Type parameters: 'd
Use argument and pass it along
( ++ ) x1 x2
Signature: x1:string -> x2:string -> string
addEndingToFilename path ending
Signature: path:string -> ending:string -> string
Adds specified ending to the end of the filename found in the path
alterFilenameInPath path mapper
Signature: path:string -> mapper:(string -> string) -> string
Alters a given filename of a path with the mapping function
Signature: Regex
executeProcess (exe, args)
Signature: (exe:string * args:string) -> int * string * string
executeProcessWithDir (exe, args, dir)
Signature: (exe:string * args:string * dir:string) -> int * string * string
getFullException ex
Signature: ex:exn -> string
Converts an exception to stringm including all inner exception messages
getIntGroup def m idx
Signature: def:int -> m:Match -> idx:int -> int
Signature: Match -> int -> int
Signature: Match -> int -> int
getVersionIncrement str
Signature: str:string -> VersionIncrement
Parses a string to a version increment, which is either "major", "minor", "build", or "revision"
makeMap keyFunc
Signature: keyFunc:('b -> 'c) -> seq<'b> -> Map<'c,'b>
Type parameters: 'b, 'c
Make a map from a sequence and a given key function
mapDiff source target comparer
Signature: source:Map<'b,'c> -> target:Map<'b,'d> -> comparer:('c -> 'd -> bool) -> MapDiff<'b,'c,'d>
Type parameters: 'b, 'c, 'd
Merges/partitions two maps based their keys
mapKeyIntersect toKeep toRemove
Signature: toKeep:Map<'?134054,'?134055> -> toRemove:Map<'?134054,'?134056> -> Map<'?134054,'?134055>
Type parameters: '?134054, '?134055, '?134056
Intersects two maps based on their keys
matchesVersionCriteria (...)
Signature: (int * int * int * int) -> (Version option * Version option) -> bool
Check if the version matches the version criteria
objToMaybe a
Signature: a:'a -> 'a option
Type parameters: 'a
Converts a nullable-object to Maybe monad
parseArg input
Signature: input:string -> string * string
Parses an argument
Signature: string [] -> Map<string,string>
Parses an array of argument
parseInt str
Signature: str:string -> int option
Parses a string to a Maybe int
parseVersion str
Signature: str:string -> Version
Parses a string into a Version
parseVersionCriteria criteria
Signature: criteria:string -> VersionCriteria option
postProcess (code, es, os) log proc
Signature: (code:int * es:string * os:string) -> log:ConsoleLogger -> proc:string -> unit
printMergePartition (...)
Signature: category:string -> source:Map<string,'b> -> target:Map<string,'c> -> comparer:('b -> 'c -> bool) -> log:ConsoleLogger -> unit
Type parameters: 'b, 'c
Prints sizes of a mergePartition
printProcess proc log _arg1
Signature: proc:string -> log:ConsoleLogger -> _arg1:(int * string * string) option -> unit
printProcessHelper ss log logl
Signature: ss:string -> log:ConsoleLogger -> logl:LogLevel -> unit
stringToEnum str
Signature: str:string -> 'T
Type parameters: 'T
timeStamp ()
Signature: unit -> string
timeStamp' ()
Signature: unit -> string
Filename safe
timeStamp'' ()
Signature: unit -> string
Only date
toArg (k, v)
Signature: (k:string * v:string) -> string
toArgString argFunc args
Signature: argFunc:(string * string -> string) -> args:seq<string * string> -> string
toArgStringDefault args
Signature: args:seq<string * string> -> string
tryFindArg toFind argMap
Signature: toFind:seq<'b> -> argMap:Map<'b,'c> -> 'c option
Type parameters: 'b, 'c
Tries to find an argument that matches one of the specified strings in the toFind parameter
unionToString x
Signature: x:'a -> string
Type parameters: 'a
Union to string
versionCompare (...)
Signature: (int * int * int * int) -> (int * int * int * int) -> int option

Active patterns

Active patternDescription
( |ParseRegex|_| ) regex str
Signature: regex:string -> str:string -> string list option
Active pattern to match regular expressions