Delegate A/S


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
attachToSolution solutionName req
Signature: solutionName:'d -> req:'e -> 'e
Type parameters: 'd, 'e
Attaches a given request to a solution
attributesPrint e
Signature: e:Entity -> unit
Prints attributes in a formatted manner to console
attributesToMap e
Signature: e:Entity -> Map<string,string>
Takes the attributes in an entity and parses them into a Map
attributeValueToString value
Signature: value:obj -> string
Takes an attribute value and parses it to a string
defaultAttributeVal e key def
Signature: e:Entity -> key:string -> def:'a -> 'a
Type parameters: 'a
Tries to fetch an attribute. If the attribute does not exist, a default value is returned.
getDefaultOptSetValue e attr def
Signature: e:Entity -> attr:string -> def:int -> int
Gets the integer value from an OptionSetValue attribute, or default if null
getRecordName x
Signature: x:Entity -> string
Fetches the name of an entity
getSolutionInformation archive
Signature: archive:(type) -> string * bool
Gets solution information from given ZipArchive
getSolutionInformationFromFile path
Signature: path:string -> string * bool
Gets solution information from zip file found at given path
Signature: Guid -> bool
Check if the Guid is empty
impersonateUser proxy userGuid func
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> userGuid:Guid -> func:(OrganizationServiceProxy -> '?134240) -> '?134240
Type parameters: '?134240
Impersonate a user
parseFault fault
Signature: fault:OrganizationServiceFault -> string list
Parses a fault to a list of strings
queryExpressionToString query
Signature: query:QueryExpression -> string
Takes a QueryExpression and outputs it as a formatted string
raiseExceptionIfFault fault
Signature: fault:OrganizationServiceFault -> unit
Raises an exception if faul is not null
toOrgReq x
Signature: x:OrganizationRequest -> OrganizationRequest
Upcasts a request to an OrganizationRequest