Delegate A/S


Nested types and modules


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
bulkRetrieveMultiple proxy
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> seq<QueryExpression> -> Entity []
executeRequest proxy request
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> request:OrganizationRequest -> unit
Execute a request and ignore the response
exists proxy logicalName guid
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> logicalName:string -> guid:Guid -> bool
getResponse proxy request
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> request:OrganizationRequest -> 'T
Type parameters: 'T
Execute a request and expect a response of a certain type
getResponseWithParams (...)
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> request:OrganizationRequest -> parameters:seq<string * obj> -> 'T
Type parameters: 'T
Execute a request with given parameters
makeCreateReq e
Signature: e:Entity -> CreateRequest
Makes an create request from an entity object
makeDeleteReq e
Signature: e:Entity -> DeleteRequest
Makes an delete request from an entity reference
makeRetrieve logicalName guid select
Signature: logicalName:string -> guid:Guid -> select:RetrieveSelect -> RetrieveRequest
Makes an delete request from an entity reference
makeRetrieveMultiple q
Signature: q:QueryExpression -> RetrieveMultipleRequest
Makes an delete request from an entity reference
makeUpdateReq e
Signature: e:Entity -> UpdateRequest
Makes an update request from an entity object
performAsBulk proxy reqs
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> reqs:OrganizationRequest [] -> ExecuteMultipleResponseItem []
Perform requests as bulk
performAsBulkResultHandling (...)
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> faultHandler:(OrganizationServiceFault -> unit) -> resultTransform:(ExecuteMultipleResponseItem -> 'a) -> OrganizationRequest [] -> 'a []
Type parameters: 'a
Perform requests as bulk. Any faults will cause an exception to be thrown. Returns the value returned by the transform of the response
publishAll proxy
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> unit
Publish all
retrieve proxy logicalName guid select
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> logicalName:string -> guid:Guid -> select:RetrieveSelect -> Entity
retrieveAndMakeMap proxy keyFunc
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> keyFunc:(Entity -> 'a) -> QueryExpression -> Map<'a,Entity>
Type parameters: 'a
Retrieve multiple and turns the entities into a map based on the given key function
retrieveFirstMatch proxy query
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> query:QueryExpression -> Entity
Retrieve multiple which returns the first match, or raises an exception if no matches were found
retrieveMultiple proxy query
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> query:QueryExpression -> seq<Entity>
Retrieve multiple with automatic pagination
retrieveSolution (...)
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> solutionName:string -> retrieveSelect:RetrieveSelect -> Entity
Retrieves the solution with the given name
whoAmI proxy
Signature: proxy:OrganizationServiceProxy -> Guid
Retrieve current user id